High pressure notes oar pump to operate circuit

The construction that hydraulic pressure high pressure notes oar pump photograph to note oar pump and piston to note oar pump to extruding type is more complex, its character of service and efficiency are very tall also. Store of plant of the facility that note an oar introduces hydraulic pressure high pressure to note the operating rules of oar pump in detail: 
1, the valve noting an oar that opens blender, close the valve putting a thick liquid of blender, affusion 1 minute of above, wet each note oar pipeline. 
2, in the process that note an oar, the face should maintain the fluid inside serous pool to suck oar mesh condition in complete bury from beginning to end. Churn ceaselessly the plaster of plaster mixer, hold the mixture position of water ash, forbidden plaster precipitation jams, make loop suction a thick liquid works in vacuum condition attaint equipment. 
3, put mesh suction a thick liquid corresponding size respectively inside the pool, the equipment that start, begin the operation that note an oar. 
4, when oar of each Kong Zhu that note an oar is terminative or when must stopping pump more for long because of reason, answer to put mesh suction a thick liquid into clear water pool instantly, lay open oar a powerful person respectively at the same time, close the valve that note an oar, wash above of pump dichotomy bell, the remaining inside cleared pump is serous, till be by the water of eduction of the valve that put a thick liquid,rinse till. Prevent machine down time to grow and serous and caky, cause needless trouble. 
5, before ending when every job, must undertake be cleaninged thoroughly to noting oar pump and duct way, till the water of eduction is,rinse till. The character of service that double hydraulic pressure notes oar pump and efficiency squash compared to the same period pump piston pump has very big rise, at the same time double hydraulic pressure notes oar pump can odd fluid notes an oar, can realize cement - water glass double fluid notes an oar.

More information, visit shop of plant of the facility that note an oar please. Fix store of oar facility plant, the expert noting an oar beside you.